Wii U System Update Adds Features And Speed
The newest Wii U system update is available for download. You might be asking yourself what the update does to my Wii u system.
The newest Wii U system update is available for download. You might be asking yourself what the update does to my Wii u system.
News out of Nintendo today will shake up two office branches in the heart of the big N empire. A shuffling of office bodies might be just what the doctor ordered to help, most notable the Wii U sales
The most recent Nintendo Direct had the feel of an E3 presentation and it looked like Nintendo was treating it like their E3.
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The 3DS started off slow but has hit its stride with great games. Will the Wii U follow suit?
The team behind Mortal Kombat shines with this stellar DC Comics-licensed brawler.
If I told you there was going to be a new 3D Zelda game and Earthbound coming to the States, would you believe me?
The newest Nintendo Direct shows that Nintendo knows what they're doing when it comes to this video game thing.
Batman, Superman, and Kirby. That sounds like a great combo to me.
The Cars spin-off gets a new game from Disney Interactive exclusively for Nintendo platforms.
Being able to go into a store on a major game or system launch day and buying it is becoming a thing of the past. Preorder it to make sure you have it.
At PAX East 2013 in Boston, Capcom revealed that it's bringing back two of its classic Dungeons & Dragons games in the new Chronicles of Mystara digital download. Producer Dan Pantumsinchai talks about the game in this exclusive interview.