Need For Speed Rivals Races Across Platforms This November
Electronic Arts' new Ghost Games studio will bring latest racing game to Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
Electronic Arts' new Ghost Games studio will bring latest racing game to Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
High Moon Studios is readying its take on the merc with the mouth.
Visual hiccups and a lack of weaponry keep this from being the series' cream of the crop.
We take a trip to Lincoln with Joel and Ellie. Find out more in our preview.
Coming on June 25th, see Deadpool debut his first game with action packed fighting and clever lines!
Gran Turismo 6 was revealed this week by developer Polypony Digital. After the game launches this holiday season they are planning on adding a range of new content as DLC in this latest entry.
Accoridng to Superannuation , Sony has traded marked domains for The Last of Us 2 and 3 , as well as The Order: 1886.
Take a step into the metro with this Metro: Last Light review!
Kazunori Yamauchi celebrated 15 years of Gran Turismo at the Silverstone Circuit in England.
Want to know more about Remember Me? Find out more in our preview!
Siliconera spotted what look to be the marketing tagline for the PlayStation 4. The caption that we might see underneath the PS4 logo in all upcoming advertisments is rumored to be "Greatness Awaits".
Last week Sony began a new series called "Conversations with Creators" with Watch_Dogs being the pilot episode. This week another Ubisoft Montreal title is up to the batter's box with Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag.