Fans of the show may like it, but it's too dull and uninventive.
Furthermore, we're still trying to figure out why multiplayer was added. You can play up to four friends in a round, but it doesn't feel like Millionaire at all, and the thrill of competition just isn't there. Also, it's local only…so unless you have friends that want to play something besides You Don't Know Jack, you're out of luck.
Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? Special Edition would've fared better with a more lively presentation, more questions and exclusives that could make the video game version sparkle. Instead, it's just a by-the-numbers presentation of a show that has kind of worn out its welcome. Stick with You Don't Know Jack instead. It may not have a million bucks, but it's a million times more entertaining than this.
And, yes, that's our final answer.
(Review code provided by Deep Silver.)
Score: 4.5 / 10