With the touch screen on the Game Pad, you’ll be able to play Star Wars Pinball even if a certain father cuts off one of your hands.

The also does a great job with the off-TV mode for the Game Pad. You can decide while playing where you want to play the game. If you want to play on the Game Pad and watch TV, all you have to do is touch the Game Pad and pull your finger down and you have the game on the Game Pad. It sounds and plays great on the Game Pad but with the images smaller, I had trouble seeing what was going on. I found myself having the same problem playing the game because things just moved too fast on screen, at times. You would take a look at the top corner while your objective is flashed on the screen and before you know it, the ball is already lost.
Star Wars Pinball goes that extra mile to please the fans of the movies as well as classic pinball fans. Several times while playing a round, screens were shown that would be on the scoreboard of a regular pinball machine. That to me shows that time was put into the game to please the fans. The various modes in the game also show that the time was put into the development of the game. Local Hot Seat mode allows multiple players to play on the same TV/game and you can have tournaments amongst your friends. Competition is always good between friends! The game also alerts you when you’re approaching a new high score so that builds the competition factor even more.
Now with every good game, there are good points and then there are not so good points. I have used the Jedi Mind trick to get you to read this far so why not continue? This is the review you’re looking for! (Sorry, last time with the mind trick) Two out of the three tables were good games of pinball. There was one that was all over the place and was just hard to play on. That was the Clone Wars table and let me be clear; I’m not a fan of the series. Let me also state that all the tables were a little all-over the place and things were moving. The Episode 5 table has a light-sabre take your pinball from one side of the table to another and at times you can’t tell where it’s going to end up.