We sat through a lot of crap this year. Here's the worst of it.

8. Ice Age: Continental Drift
Like other fourth-quels, such as Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Continental Drift just runs out of gas way too fast. The trio of oddly-herded animals once again return, this time set adrift by a broken iceberg, running into a group of highlights. Peter Dinklage as an angry ape pirate is the saving grace here, outside of a plot we've seen too many times before, lame performances that go nowhere fast (what is Nicky Minaj doing here?), and family messages hammered too heavily into the script. Let's hope there isn't a part five.
7. Chernobyl Diaries
There comes a time that a film genre just has to die, not only because the filmmakers go to the well too often, but dry it up to the point that they're scraping the bottom. That's Chernobyl Diaries, the latest reality-style horror movie that has a bunch of stupid tourists visiting the site of the nuclear facility, only to find that everything isn't quite dead there. Cheap scares, even cheaper acting and a stupid conclusion leave this smelling worst than a nuclear disposal plant.