NativeX Platform Promises To Reward App And Game Developers
Company adds Electronic Arts founder Trip Hawkins as a Senior Advisor
Company adds Electronic Arts founder Trip Hawkins as a Senior Advisor
HAWKEN Stomps to PAX East and GDC as the gaming convention season commences.
The tech that makes shooters like Call of Duty Black Ops II more lifelike just got a massive upgrade.
Free to play shooter will be playable on new Oculus Rift.
Gamers nationwide advocate for video game creators and consumers.
At New York City's Radio City Music Hall, Samsung announced the Galaxy S4 and showed off its new features including an S4 Picture Translator, Health & Food Calculator, Samsung Hub, WatchOn & Screen Mirroring Demo this exclusive hands-on demo video.
Enzo Celani details the growth of Arcade machines within the cruise industry and prize redemption arcade games.
Two legends of gaming join forces as international and New York Times bestselling fantasy author Tracy Hickman and Richard Garriott’s team up.
Fans will get more than new video games based on the hit TV series.
With PC gamers finally able to log on and play Electronic Arts' SimCity, the studio head answers the question that everyone has been asking.
New cross-platform racer will launch in tandem with the latest movie.
At New York City's Radio City Music Hall, Samsung announced the Galaxy S4 and showed off its new game arcade in this exclusive hands-on demo video.