Gamers nationwide advocate for video game creators and consumers.
More than 500,000 voting-aged video gamers have joined the Video Game Voters Network (VGVN), doubling its membership in the last three years, according to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA).
“As the prevalence and influence of computer and video games in our society has grown, so too has the dedicated membership of VGVN,” said Rich Taylor, senior vice president of communications and industry affairs of the ESA, the trade association that represents U.S. computer and video game publishers. “These highly engaged members make their voices heard in government offices across the country, educating officials about video games’ positive impacts and advocating for policy issues affecting game creators and consumers.”
VGVN informs and mobilizes the gamer community on public policy matters affecting the computer and video game industry. Members support legislative efforts that improve the environment for computer and video game artists and consumers, and support policymakers who work to ensure that games receive the same First Amendment protections as books, movies, music, television, and other art forms. The extensive and diverse VGVN network helps gamers take action by contacting officials at every level of government to express their views.
“I am confident that I can speak for the entertainment software community in thanking VGVN members for their staunch commitment to our industry and to preserving the rights of all American video game creators and fans,” Taylor said.
The VGVN is ESA’s online community with a focus on the positive impact that video games have in our society. Through legislative outreach, and interaction with both new media and mainstream media, this network of more than 500,000 individuals is actively promoting the rights of video game creators and consumers. The network is building a groundswell of support for the positive influence video games have on the economy, health and families, artistic expression, education, and everyday life. For more information on the VGVN, please go to