Five Questions With Doug Tennapel
As the KickStarter campaign winds down, the creator of Earthworm Jim and the Neverhood talks about his new project, Armikrog.
As the KickStarter campaign winds down, the creator of Earthworm Jim and the Neverhood talks about his new project, Armikrog.
Two Zelda games were show off at this years E3. The Wind Waker HD and A Link Between Worlds should be just what the doctor ordered to help Nintendo stay at the top of handheld gaming and help them in the home market.
Nintendo will live and die by how well their top tier characters do. First up is their pride and joy, Super Mario
New Super Luigi U and Project X Zone headline the Nintendo download this week.
This is an arcade compilation done right. But now we want more.
Nintendo has updated the Super Smash Bros. website with two new 3DS images of Mega Man.
If you're looking for the best of the show, look no further.
Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures takes a page out of old school marketing: video game, TV show, and then a toy line.
Nintendo brings four of their games that were on display at E3 for the fans to test drive.
Big week for the eShop as Mutand Mudds and Mighty Switch Force sequels are available.
At E3 2013, Nintendo's David Young walks us through the latest Wii U games in this exclusive interview.
Nintendo's David Young takes us through the various new titles that Nintendo had to offer at E3 2013. Follow us!