Music makes the world go round!
It's that time again for a new episode of Chichuki Plays, the show where I go hands-on with upcoming games and show them off. Usually it's about an hour or so but I don't want to spoil too much of the game for you. This time, we're looking at Symphonia on the Nintendo Switch. This episode might be slightly longer than past Chichuki Plays because I was told to play the tutorial to get the hang of the controls. That was great advice because the controls are a little tough to get the hang of.
"Hollow Knight with music" is the best way I can describe Symphonia. Symphonia was a wonderful place created by four prodigious musicians. However the founders disappeared and the land of Symphonia was dropped into quietness. I want to start out by saying how wonderful the look of the cut scenes are. The animations are very well done and are enjoyable to watch.
I said Symphonia is like Hollow Knight and that isn't a bad thing. The platforming is some of the tougher platforming I have played and when you finish a section, it feels like an accomplishment to actually do it. There are hidden coins as well as musical notes strewn throughout the world so keep an eye out. There wasn't really anything marking the hidden musical notes so I found myself playing my violin pretty much anywhere I could. I mentioned the graphics earlier and I stand by that Symphonia looks great. The locations are amazing and it really felt like I was wondering through a world left behind and void of music.
I found myself getting stuck after an air death near the end of my playthrough for this video. I couldn't move and I had to restart to the main menu of the game. I thought it would happen once but it happened a few more times. I don't know if it was having trouble seeing where I should be after a jump or the respawn point was having issues as I died to a saw in the air. Whatever the reason, I'm going to share this with the devs as soon as I can.
Check out the hands-on/impressions video below!