Pay your rent with a slot machine. What could go wrong?
It's that time again for a new episode of Chichuki Plays, the show where I go hands-on with upcoming games and show them off. Usually it's about an hour or so but I don't want to spoil too much of the game for you. This time, we're looking at Luck Be A Landlord on Nintendo Switch. If you ever wanted to feel the stress of paying your rent combined with the thrill of gambling to get said money, then you are in luck!
Luck Be A Landlord is a simple premise but I found myself addicted to it real quick. It does something very smart, it doesn't go too fast at the start. You start out by winning small amounts to get your feet wet so you can pick up the basics of the game. You'll learn what symbols are good and what style of play you want to play with for the round in question. It doesn't get tough until the later rounds and trust me, it gets tough.
There are symbols as well as items. The symbols are put into the slot machine and the items are put on the side of the machine. The items will effect the game the minute you get them like the lucky cat adding money to cats or the Horseshoe adding money to each spin. You won't get an item after every spin and there are symbols that can affect symbol selection so be careful.
I wasn't sure what to expect going into Luck Be A Landlord but it's such a fun time where I fund myself booting it up when I have some free time and play a few rounds. I also have to say that I think I did some of my best voice work/impressions on this video so please be on the lookout for them.
Make sure you check out the hands-on/impressions video below!