Blade Chimera is a game to keep an eye on!
It's that time again for a new episode of Chichuki Plays, the show where I go hands-on with upcoming games and show them off. Usually it's about an hour or so but I don't want to spoil too much of the game for you. This time, we're looking at Blade Chimera on Steam. At the time of recording, Blade Chimera is also available on Nintendo Switch. I know because I already bought it on the eShop too.
Blade Chimera, in my opinion, could be an early candidate for Metroidvania of the year as well as throwing its hat into the Game of the Year conversation. I know it's early in 2025 but I don't want people to forget about this gem later in the year! I would have liked to change the controls slightly but once I got used to them, I was having a blast.
You play the role of Shin, demon hunter, as he tries to regain his past. Along the way, you'll get your hands on all kinds of weapons and abilities. It wouldn't be a Metroidvania without having to find items/abilities to get somewhere. One of the cooler weapons you find is your demon sword, named Lux. Lux would have ceased to exist if Shin didn't accept her as her vessel. It was a good thing he did because this sword gives him all kinds of new attacks/abilities. One of my favorite techniques is being able to throw the sword into walls and climb on it, similar to Mega Man X wall jumps/grabs. Combine these moves with the ability to auto aim your gun and have another weapon in the other hand and combat is a breeze in the game. There are massive boss fights where you'll have to learn attack patterns but you'll have to find those out on your own.
Check out the Hands-on video below!