Check out the Nintendo Switch version on Cuisineer!
It's that time again for a new episode of Chichuki Plays, the show where I go hands-on with upcoming games and show them off. Usually it's about an hour or so but I don't want to spoil too much of the game for you. This time, we're looking at Cuisineer on the Nintendo Switch. This game is also available on Steam as well!
In Cuisineer, you play as Pom, a cute cat girl, who decides to go back to her home town of Paell because she thought her parents were knocking on death's door. Welp, that was a misunderstanding and her parents were leaving to go on a trip around the world and wanted her to come back home to take care of their restaurant. Lucky for us, we have our friend, Biscotti, around to help us settle in. There are plenty of other people in town, willing to help us out too, like the Carpenter or the sisters who run the Bubble Tea shop. You'll also be able to go to other places in town to get new weapons or upgrade those weapons with new abilities/powers.
We will also have to explore different locations to find resources for cooking dishes in the restaurant. That's where the dungeons come into play. It feels like you can explore a location once a day where you can find all kinds of resources like wood, eggs, stone, and peppers just to name a few things. You can also go on quests for people and get rewarded for your trouble. You might be able to get a brand new recipe to sell at the shop after doing a good deed for your friend so talk to people often. Different weapons have different abilities so test out all kinds and see which ones you like best. You'll also benefit from having bubble tea in your inventory so you can heal up if you need to. You can also warp out of the dungeon whenever you'd like with the help of an amulet that warps you back to town. When I ran out of storage space for supplies felt like t a good time to teleport back home.
we've covered the dungeon aspect, now it's time to cover the cooking. You have the option to open your restaurant whenever you'd like but make sure you have plenty of space for your customers to sit and eat. That being said, you'll have to go to the Carpenter to get new furniture as well as expand the shop so you have more space. Cooking is quick and painless but I did have slight issues handing the dishes over to customers because the R button is the accept button. Having a table close to the door had me having the "don't close with people here" prompt quite a few times. Load times are a little long as well. I'm having a great time with Cuisineer thus far and would like to thank the devs for the review code.
Check out the Hands-on video below!