Hideo Kojima states concern that his new game may be 'too mature.'
In a roundtable interview on February 22nd with Video Gamer, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima expressed concerns that Ground Zeroes may be too controversial to sell.

Too mature?
During the interview, Kojima stated, "Over the past 25 year I have tried to work with the Metal Gear series to introduce more mature themes, but really it hasn't gotten there yet. Compared to movies and books it still has a long way to go. That's precisely what I want to try to tackle with Ground Zeroes. Honestly I'm going to be targeting a lot of taboos, a lot of mature themes that really are quite risky. I'm not even sure if I'm going to be able to release the game, and even if I did release the game then maybe it wouldn't sell because it's too much. As a creator I want to take that risk."
While the Metal Gear series has continued to push the boundaries on what the consumer may find as acceptable, the mature themes of the series do not seem to affect the popularity of the title.
To finish the interview, Kojima then said, ""I'm approaching the project as a creator and prioritising creativity over sales."
While this may provide a glimpse into the direction the game is heading, there is still no definite release date, though the game is slated to release on the PS3, XBox360, and PC platforms.