It's hardly innovative, but you won't find a better time on the dance floor this year.
Just Dance's presentation won't win any awards, but the dance routines are fun, and the dancers provide a festive appearance that gamers of all ages and skills can easily get into – even if they are eerily ghostly colored. There are no downers here, just dance happy people. Weird, ghoulish people, but whatever.
No, Just Dance 2014 won't make Game of the Year honors anytime soon, as it's too simple in game design to really consider it an evolution. After all, it's a sequel in a long line of sequels. However, Ubisoft should be commended by adding some worthwhile features to the Wii U version, while the others hold up just as well. Get your groove thing on with it, if you're up for it.
Dibs on Slimer!
(Review copy provided by Ubisoft.)
Score: 8 / 10