With a faulted fighting system, camera problems and presentation issues, it can't come out of its shell.
The presentation for Out of the Shadows is all over the place. The Turtle models look nice, and the levels show some signs of inspiration, but they're cluttered by a nearly broken camera system – you're looking up at the sky at times for no given reason – and cut-scenes that can't decide between comic book style and animated cinematics. It's almost like you could tell when Redfly ran out of production time and cut corners to make the game complete.
At least the audio is good. The music fits the Turtles' mantra about right – the use of "Turtle Power" in the menu is inspired – and the voicework isn't bad, as each of the Turtles have something to say that fits their personas.
I really wanted to like Out of the Shadows more, especially with its multiplayer and nods to the old-school style of Turtles products. However, between its problematic gameplay issues and visual problems, you might prefer sticking with the older games before "shelling" out the cash for this one.
Score: 5.5 / 10