An indie racing game by IndiePub Entertainment and developed by ExDream that is worth the buy. Available for Xbox 360, and PC via Steam. Look for it on Playstation 3 soon this summer!
There are multiple game modes to choose from when playing, such as a death match type game where the whole objective is to get the most kills with the heat ability in which your car bursts into flames and gets a little speed boost, but if you use this ability for too long then your car will be engulfed in flames. My favorite was the mission based game-type where you are given a specific list of tasks that need to be accomplished in a race, doing so will unlock more characters and cars. This part of the game keeps the gameplay from getting old and boring. The game does have multiplayer, although even after a week of the game being released, I was only able to connect with one person, which was pretty much pointless. This is a shame, because I believe that multiplayer would be a great part of this title.
Overall I enjoyed this game, even though the characters could get a because of the little repetitive phrases used through out a race. Also I was not very happy with was the lack of players online, and the camera controls. The camera was not set on the car, so you had to do a lot of camera moving. This made it harder to pay attention to the road, and made me focus on which way I was going. The look of the environment was very nice, and the controls were simple and easy to use. If you are a fan of racing games I would for sure purchase this game, especially if you are the kind of person that likes to take out the competition!
Score: 7.5 / 10