An indie racing game by IndiePub Entertainment and developed by ExDream that is worth the buy. Available for Xbox 360, and PC via Steam. Look for it on Playstation 3 soon this summer!
IndiePub Entertainment and Bigben Interactive released Fireburst their new fast-paced racing game about a week ago. Fireburst is a simple, yet very addicting racing game in which you can play in multiple modes for a large quantity of racing action. Although, racing is not the only thing you will be doing in Fireburst. Taking out your competition is also a very important part of the game.
While you are racing your way through Fireburst, you will encounter some very fun characters that have their own special personalities. In the game, you can choose from a variety of cars, but every character has their own unique design to the vehicle. This is actually something you don’t see very much in racing games, and was a cool little feature.