The return of Prophet has mild issues (particularly in multiplayer), but Crytek's latest shooter doesn't disappoint overall.
Though the graphics aren't nearly as good as the PC front (running Crysis 3 on a high-end model really brings out the best in the CryEngine 3 technology), Crysis 3 looks pretty good on the PlayStation 3 and 360, with beautiful environments, neat little effects that bring out the most in the game (check out the water), and good animations. Sometimes slowdown can be an issue, but in all, it's a powerhouse delight to look at. The visor is a superb feature in the game as well, letting you pinpoint enemies for better accuracy.
The sound isn't bad either, with a great musical score that eclipses that of Crysis 2 and decent voicework, along with weapon effects that tie in with the visual impact they deliver. The voice prompts for your Nanosuit are repetitive (how many times must we be notified that the cloak is engaged?), but typical for a game such as this.
There are times, however, that the game feels like it's run a bit out of creative gas. Towards the end, the level design is a bit less compelling than its start, though you're still motivated to finish 'er up. And the multiplayer almost seems like it was rushed, between less-than-detailed maps and occasional collision detection hiccups. Nevertheless, if you have a few friends in tow, Hunter mode – which pits stealthily stalkers against soldiers – is worth a look.
Crysis 3 turns a nice corner for the series, after it skidded a little bit with Crysis 2. The graphics are far better this time around (again, PC emerges victorious over consoles) and the gameplay has really opened up to let you do what you want, no matter what style of play you prefer. This one is well worth hunting down – especially with that bow. It's just too sweet picking off someone with an arrow to the head.
Score: 9 / 10