Raiden carves his own niche into the legacy with Platinum Games' action tour-de-force.
And the music? Wow. Rarely have I heard a soundtrack that's able to sync up just right with the on-screen action. Every high-speed heavy metal tune serves a purpose in Rising Revengeance, whether it's a boss battle or a general skirmish with a group of thugs. There's not a dull tune in the bunch. The voicework is okay, but hardly on the level of other Metal Gear games. Don't be too concerned about it – the soundtrack more than makes up for it.
While Metal Gear Rising Revengeance isn't quite perfect, it's damn near, and truly one of Platinum Games' greatest feats in development. It's been a long time coming, but the awesome combo system, combined with the ridiculously good presentation and VR missions, made it all worth the while. If you're an action fan or just can't resist seeing what Raiden can do on his own terms, it's worth dropping $60 on – and maybe more, if you want to download the soundtrack onto your iPod. And believe me, you will.
Score: 9 / 10