Raiden carves his own niche into the legacy with Platinum Games' action tour-de-force.

But the blade itself is handy for one great feature – Blade Mode. Here, you slow everything down and cut anyone in immediate range to pieces – even if you hack off their legs, arms and head, then chop their torso like crazy. This is a real difference maker in the game, and a lot of fun, even if some bigger enemies are defeated the same way over and over utilizing it. It's still fun – and, yes, cutting fruit is just as enjoyable, if you come across it.
There are two slight issues with gameplay. The first is the use of quick-time events, though, thankfully, Rising Revengeance doesn't go crazy over the segments like other offerings out there. The second are the free-running segments, which are outstanding. However, one mistake, and Raiden's had it. Platinum should've found a way for a "save ability" to be put in here, so that you can use his sword to save him from imminent death, similar to what you do for him in the opening stage of the game, when the helicopter's attacking him.
The main story mode of Rising Revengeance will only take you three to four hours to get through, but there is some incentive through replaying missions. For instance, hunting down certain targets and downloading their intel can earn you a bonus goodie; and you can unlock additional VR missions, which help train Raiden to a better effect and give you points, which you can then use to power him and his weapons up. A co-op mode isn't included, but isn't really necessary either.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance looks phenomenal. The graphics are really amongst the best that Platinum Games have ever produced, capturing the essence of what Metal Gear is all about while still making it an all-out action affair. The slicing effects are divine, and the boss battles are beyond epic, especially near the end – which we won't spoil here. There are minor issues with the camera, causing some enemies to slide out of view; and the frame rate during Blade Mode drops quite a bit. Also, the CG cinemas aren't as fantastic as the in-game action. Other than that, this is a trailblazing action feat.