Is this sequel a return to the fun of the Skylands or a giant dissapointment? Find out in our review!
The presentation and story of Skylanders: Giants is fun and inviting for any age. The story picks up where the original left off. Kaos is trapped on earth as a toy but is awakened by a strange force. Spyro and the other original Skylanders are trapped in toy form and are unable to stop him. Once Kaos makes his way back to the Skylands it is here where we learn about the Giants. They were a group of Skylanders that prevented the end of the world and were thought to be destroyed in the process. When Kaos threatens the Skylands again, it is up to the player to reawaken the Giants and save the Skylands.
Tree Rex is a true giant on the battlefield.
The graphics of the game are fun and vibrant. They scream imagination and whimsy. The colors are bright and each environment is different than the last. The game really shines when a player encounters an element specific area in the game that can only be accessed by a Skylander of that element. These areas are completely different than the principal environment and offer a fun change of course. The presentation of each Skylander is different. The Giants, as to be expected, move slower and are more powerful in battle. Tree Rex even leaves a trail of tree ring shaped footprints while moving. The normal Skylanders run, slide, and fly around the game while exuding the element they represent. Whether you are an adult or child you will be enthralled by the presentation of Skylanders.
Jet Vac uses the element of Air to dispatch his foes.