Is Inversion the update shooters have been waiting for? Find out in our review!
The story of Inversion just like the gameplay, both have been done before and also better in other franchises. The game follows policemen Davis Russel and Leo Delgado in Vangaurd City. When Davis is on his way to deliver a birthday present to his daughter, the city erupts into chaos as the Lutadors emerge from the earth and start to attack, kill, and enslave the inhabitants of the city. Davis and Delgado are captured but soon break free and join the resistance to stop the Lutadores and find his wife and daughter. The story is nothing special and is pretty straight forward. It still seems a hybrid of the story from Gears of War but it is not a terrible thing. A straightforward story allows you to focus on the gameplay, and that is where Inversion separates itself from the pack.
Gravity also effects how you traverse the environment.
In the beginning, Inversion seems like your standard cover based shooter. Once you are captured by Lutadores and learn how to use the Gravlink is when the game truly changes. The Gravlink allows you to alter the field of gravity in any direction you choose. You can make things lighter than air causing them to float for a limited amount of time or use it to make things really heavy and force them to the ground. You can also use the Gravlink to bring objects toward you and hurl them at your enemies. While gravity manipulation is little more than a gimmick, I found myself enjoying it more and more. Pulling off headshots after my A.I. controlled partner sent my opponents into the air was a delight every time and for me it never got old. While the gravity controls are not perfect, they do inject a little life into a stale premise.