Is Okami HD Worthy of a Goddess in Wolves Clothing? Find out in our review!
The story of Okami HD is still one of legend. Okami HD is set in Japan. In this world an ancient evil has been released unto the world after being imprisoned for 100 years and plunges the world into darkness. It is up to Amaterasu, the sun god reincarnated into the body of the white wolf Shiranui who had defeated the evil before, to defeat the demon. To do this Amaterasu must gain 13 techniques in order to bring the 8 headed demon Orochi’s reign of terror to an end. The story may sound heavy but there is enough humor, mostly from Amaterasu’s companion Issun, to break the tension.
The environment of Okami HD is stunning.
The gameplay in Okami HD has not aged well. The uneven difficulty and control issues from the original have not been properly addressed. The gameplay also seems simple, almost childlike at times, and presents more moments of frustration than challenge. While the idea of using brushstrokes of ink to alter the world and defeat enemies is fun the first time, it quickly loses its charm. Another thing that becomes a hindrance rather than an aid is Amaterasu’s companion Issun. Much like the fairy in Ocarina of Time, this unwelcomed sidekick becomes a nuisance shortly after the game begins. Another gripe is the lack of auto saves. The game allows Amaterasu to save her progress only at glowing checkpoints similar to the God of War Series.