The creator of The Walking Dead gets his game on in this series of video interviews.
In addition to creating The Walking Dead and Invincible, Kirkman created his first all-ages comic book, Super Dinosaur, with artist Jason Howard, along with Guarding the Globe , The Infinite with Rob Liefeld, and Thief of Thieves. He launched Witch Doctor as the first title for his Image imprint, Skybound, with Brandon Seifert and Lukas Ketner, protégés he discovered online, and began an expansion into Asia with Moving Images – and that's all within a year of The Walking Dead's debut as a television series.
Robert’s personal goals are modest: "To be a good father, to make enough money so that my wife and kids are not homeless." Many would look at his success over the last several years and say, "Mission accomplished," but as ever, Kirkman is the first to protest stating, "In 20 years, if my kids are happy, then I'll know I succeeded."
Kirkman has created his own characters, that he owns and controls, and helped reinvigorate the company that inspired him during his youth. As a result, he not only owns some of the most popular characters in modern comics, he is also one of the driving forces behind Image Comics, as one of the company’s partners. Kirkman is now developing the next generation of creator-owned comics through Skybound and he's become a steadily growing voice in the world of television. His Thief of Thieves title debuted in 2012 and was optioned by AMC as a potential series just three months later. His drive to change his own fortunes has become a virtual force unto itself, and after only 10 years, he’s clearly just getting started.