Two Zelda games were show off at this years E3. The Wind Waker HD and A Link Between Worlds should be just what the doctor ordered to help Nintendo stay at the top of handheld gaming and help them in the home market.
Like with Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda has games on multiple platforms, which is common in this day and age. Cue up The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. This game is the “sequel” to The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past. A Link To The Past is my favorite Zelda game and A Link Between Worlds has that Zelda feel to it. The demo had you going to the location of the Eastern Palace in A Link To The Past. I got to that place in a flash and it was fun to go back to where ALTTP basically started. The non-dungeon game play( overworld) played just like the SNES game. With the touch screen, the inventory screen was simple to maneuver through and use. Link had the same sword beam that he had in ALTTP and that was cool to see.
You got to the dungeon and it looks like it could have been a dungeon in the SNES game. It used the 3D very well and showed depth in jumps. It was pivotal for the game to use the 3D well because at times in the dungeon you need to make precise jumps as you make your way up the tower-like dungeon. The idea of Link becoming a wall drawing was implemented very well as it wasn’t used at every part of the demo. It was used to slide through a barred window and to move on moving platforms. If the main game plays like a homage to the SNES game, SLTTP fans will be very happy with the result.