Naughty Dog has another critically acclaimed franchise on its hands in the wake of Uncharted and the performance capture actors speak up about the game.
In a world bound by scarcity and limited resources, strategy is an essential component of surviving the harsh realities of the world against other ruthless survivors and any infected humans that have been taken over by the cordyceps virus. The introduction of weapon crafting, scavenging, listen mode and stealth are combined to showcase the moment-to-moment gameplay. Survival hinges on combat scenarios that are unpredictable and challenges players to approach gameplay with completely new conventions – underscoring the brutal realities of the human condition and the sacrifices it takes to survive. Johnson discusses the journey in the exclusive E3 2013 interview below.
Extending the single player campaign, The Last of Us offers an unconventional and deep multiplayer campaign, which holds true to the central theme of survival and protecting one's own. Within the multiplayer mode called "Factions", is a Meta game that fully embodies the single player premise, where players choose to ally with either the Hunters or the Fireflies to grow and support their own Clans as a means of survival. Teammates must band together to endure in the two game modes – Survivors (Elimination) and Supply Run (Four-versus-Four) which can both be played across seven different maps.