Game Director Ashraf Ismail Discusses The Real Pirates Of The Caribbean In AC4
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag introduces new gameplay to Ubisoft’s bestselling franchise.
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag introduces new gameplay to Ubisoft’s bestselling franchise.
The prequel to the Gears of War franchise opens up a lot of new gameplay options.
Gaijin Games tops its Bit.Trip experience, exceedingly well.
Responsive A.I. and refined sniper mechanics are only the begining of the improvements City Interactive has made to the series. Did we mention Cry Engine 3? Find out more in our review!
First screenshots, trailer and details about the new Assassin’s Creed.
With a new publisher in Deep Silver, the shooter finally gets a release date.
The first DLC for Black Ops II is now available for all platforms.
The new racing options are featured in these exclusive video previews with EA.
The men’s magazine is covering the cost of some exclusive multiplayer maps and a new mode.
"Almost certainly," said Gearbox CEO.
The Michigan and Texas A&M stars are the last men standing in the fan voting competition.
Zen Studios unleashes its most memorable – and entertaining – pinball designs to date.