GDC 2013: Sony Commits To Independent Game Makers For PlayStation 4
Blacklight: Retribution becomes first PlayStation Pub fund game for PS4, fund to also Support Divekick and Metrico as they make exclusive debut on PlayStation platforms.
Blacklight: Retribution becomes first PlayStation Pub fund game for PS4, fund to also Support Divekick and Metrico as they make exclusive debut on PlayStation platforms.
SoftKinetic will demonstrate the capabilities of the new DS320 in San Francisco.
The game industry event brings back GDC Play, the Classic Game Postmortem series and marks an end to the Game Design Challenge.
Women lead free-to-play and mobile game adoption while men spend more on average.
Company adds Electronic Arts founder Trip Hawkins as a Senior Advisor
HAWKEN Stomps to PAX East and GDC as the gaming convention season commences.
Leaders in interactive entertainment and media discuss urgent need to encourage youth to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects.
With the Game Developers Conference just around the corner, 2,500 developers answered questions to paint a picture of major changes in the industry for this year and beyond.
At the 13th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards, the co-founders of BioWare, both of whom have moved on to new ventures, will be honored for their video game achievements.
The Game Narrative Summit, formerly a part of GDC Online, will make its debut at the 2013 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.