Fariko Impact Wins $400,000 In Call Of Duty Championship
The team is now considered the best Call of Duty: Black Ops II players in the world.
The team is now considered the best Call of Duty: Black Ops II players in the world.
Voice over actor Adam Harrington talks about his career in bringing virtual characters to life in games like League of Legends and The Walking Dead in this exclusive interview from San Francisco.
Nintendo reveals new Mewtwo-like character in latest video for portable game. http://youtube.com/gamerhubvideos http://facebook.com/gamerhubvideos http://twitter.com/gamerhubtv
At GDC 2013 in San Francisco, Wargaming founder Victor Kislyi discussed World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and World of Warships in this exclusive interview.
At GDC 2013 in San Francisco, developer Jared Gerritzen from Zombie Studios detailed the first free-to-play PlayStation 4 shooter Blacklight Retribution in this exclusive video interview.
At WonderCon 2013 in Anaheim, actors Zak Orth and David Lyons talked about the first season of the NBC TV series Revolution in this interview.
Kickstarter campaign closes on high note; ShroudoftheAvatar.com site remain open as crowd funding efforts continue for fantasy RPG.
At the Snapdragon booth at GDC 2013, Andy Reginald Dinh discussed the phenomenal growth of eSports in this exclusive interview. https://twitter.com/GamerHubTV http://www.facebook.com/gamerhubvideos http://www.Gamerhub.tv
Digital Extremes’ first free-to-play game has grown exponentially in its first two weeks.
At Fan Axxess at the Izod Center, WWE superstar Dean Ambrose talked about WrestleMania 29 and video games in this exclusive interview. https://twitter.com/GamerHubTV http://www.facebook.com/gamerhubvideos http://www.Gamerhub.tv
At GDC 2013 in San Francisco, Team SoloMid member Alex Xpecial Chu talked about his life as a pro League of Legends gamer in this exclusive interview. https://twitter.com/GamerHubTV http://www.facebook.com/gamerhubvideos http://www.Gamerhub.tv
At GDC 2013 in San Francisco, Andy "Reginald" Dinh explained the life of a League of Legends pro gamer in this exclusive interview. https://twitter.com/GamerHubTV http://www.facebook.com/gamerhubvideos http://www.Gamerhub.tv