Bungie And Activision Announce Early Ship Date For Destiny 2
Open console beta starts July 21 as well.
Open console beta starts July 21 as well.
Check out what the sequel has in store!
Franchise returns to its roots!
What’s in store for the next Destiny expansion?
See what Activision has planned for this years E3 Convention
The Only Way to Bring a Gigantic Flaming Chipmunk-Headed Tornado Twisting Dino-Legged Turtle-Shelled Bowslinger with a Robot Voice and a Jet Pack to Life! Fans to Submit their Skylander Designs for Chance to have Creations Featured in Game at Launch!
The next installment of the Skylanders saga is coming this fall.
The next installment of Guitar Hero sounds like it's going back to its roots
Skylanders: Trap Team and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare highlight Activision’s E3.
Activision’s video game and toy franchise continues to sell well despite competition from the likes of Disney Infinity and Hasbro Angry Birds Star Wars Telepods.
Some may scoff at the idea of a new Call of Duty game every year, but Activision isn't worried.