It has been another week and that means another set of downloadable games and content from the Nintendo eShop. This week has a demo version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow- Mirror of Fate available, among other things.

Every good store from time to time has to run a sale and the eShop is no different. If you’ve ever wanted to get a game where there is action on both of your 3DS screens, Fractured Soul is right up your alley. You can get this game at a discounted price of 8 dollars for a limited time so act today. Also on the eShop is the Fire Emblem Awakening downloadable maps that add to a game that is already gaining a loyal fan base. The Champions of Yore 1 map will only be available until March 6th You don’t have a lot of time to get to the “Outrealm Gate” in the game and download this map as well as the EXPonential Growth map, the second installment of the Golden Pack. You can gain a ton of experience points by defeating the rare soldiers, the Entomed.
Other games coming to the eShop this week are Mahjong Mysteries- Ancient Athena for the 3DS, Coaster Creator 3D for the 3DS. Also in the eShop this week is Easter Eggztravaganza for the 3DS and Dsi Shop. Wiiware doesn’t get left out this week so get your hands on Retro City Rampage on the Wii Shop Channel. With the Wii U being the main system now, it’s good to see the Wii not getting left out in terms of Wiiware games. It would be nice to see the Wii U eShop bring some old Nintendo favorites but beggars can’t be choosers at this point.