Cosplayers, gamers and anime lovers, your place is here.
I had the chance to attend the event last year when it was taking place closer to the Aurora hemisphere than downtown Denver, at a Red Lion hotel right up the street, and though the event was cramped (probably the reason for a new location), it was quite remarkable. In a pair of conference rooms, a huge shopping market took place, housing both the anime-oriented mini-games and various sellers. This was probably one of the most popular items at the event, though the costume contest was packed wall-to-wall with observers and would-be winners alike.
Games were also a huge highlight at the event. Not only did several indie producers have their products on hand to show off (and in a good spot for people to simply stop by and play some games), but a dedicated Rock Band room was also on hand, where anyone could jam along with newcomers and friends alike while taking in such effects as strobe lights and a bubble machine. Ahhh, to be a rock star…
The game room was quite excellent, featuring the likes of Ubisoft's local division talking about games (even though it was older fare like the previous year's Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell) and various game hosts announcing tournaments at stations. This year's should be no exception, with more games slated to join the fray, as well as a 24-hour game room that people will be able to access all weekend. (AND they'll have Persona 4 Arena. Score!)