A few Games set to come out this year that makes me glad the Mayans were wrong about the end of the world
For some reason, the doomsday theory of late last year really had a lot of people on edge. I am sure there were people out there that didn’t even get holiday presents, bastards, because they thought the Mayans circular calendar predicted the end of the world. Well looking at the games we have to be excited for in 2013; I for one am glad the end wasn’t upon us. Here’s a couple titles scheduled for 2013 that you should keep an eye out for!
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs PC

Pfft not scary at all right... right...?
I am man enough to admit that Amnesia: The Dark Descent, often made me scream like a little girl in terror. Frictional Games really know how to make memorable horror games. Their focus on atmosphere really sends a chill down your spin at every corner or splash of water. If you haven’t played Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a first person survival horror game, then you are in for a treat. You get put into the shoes of Daniel and his troubled memories. It’s a real experience seeing the story unfold in front of you as you progress in the terrifying world.
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs is set in 1899. You play as a wealthy business man named Oswald Mandis. Returning from a disastrous expedition in Mexico. The outcome? Tragedy. Are all these short sentences setting the mood? Thought so. Wracked by a fever and haunted by dreams of a dark machine, you start the game awakening from bed to sound of a engine spluttering to a start beneath you. Scared yet?!
Based on the fact that Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, is going to be a sequel to the game that made me cry in fear time after time, and question myself as to why the hell I’m still playing, this title will be one to look for.