Thousands of designs were sent in but only one can be the winner.
The question becomes what will the designers incorporate into their design for the new logo. Seeing as though all details about the new PS4, or whatever it will be called is just hearsay until the rumored release on the 20th at the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. Since the PS4 is being considered the start of the next generation of gaming, will designs go future-like or will a simpler design win the day.
Not much is known about the PS4 but there are plenty of rumors out there. The problem is not knowing what rumors not to put too much stock in and what rumors to run home about. When trying to design a logo for a company/product, I can’t imagine designing a logo for it without knowing what that product can and can’t do or what is has to offer the masses.
Originally this post was to talk about the concept of the actual logo contest. It appears the contest is over and the winner has been picked already. The winner design is from Logowork. The designer is getting a minimum $495 for the design but should get more if the design is actually used by Sony. We will just have to wait and see what the future holds, presumably some time next week. One problem that could arise from the winning design is what if the controller doesn’t look like what it does in the logo picked. Could this be a hint at what the final controller will look like? Who knows at this point? All I know is there are a lot of rumors out there and until next week every single one of them is true until proven otherwise.
UPDATE- It was brought to my attention from Lauren Gard, PR public relations for 99Designs that the contest I have been mentioning is for an independant blog. Sony has no involvement with the contest, it is just a 99Designs contest. The contest ends February 18th and the winning design gets about $700 bucks for the design. I would like to appologize for any confusion and would like the thank Lauren for beinging this to my attention.