Jason Mewes loves to play games, which came in handy in the new eSports movie Noobz that explores the culture of professional gaming.
How big of a gamer are you today?
I still play a lot of Call of Duty, but I try to slow down, because again, I’ll find myself waking up and the first thing I do is I go to the Starbucks and get coffee, come back and start playing Call of Duty. I’ll wind up being late or not taking a shower when I’m supposed to be somewhere, or I won’t be paying attention to the lady and she’ll get a little annoyed. She’ll think, I’m trying to tell you something, and you’re not paying attention. So I do play pretty often, but I try to balance it out without getting myself into trouble.
Where would you like to see the Jay and Silent Bob franchise go next?
Mewes: We went down to Australia for Jay and Silent Bob Go Down Under. We did Jay and Silent Bob Get Old; it’s our podcast. We filmed the podcasts themselves, but we also did a lot of behind the scenes in Australia and put it all on DVD. That’s awesome that we got to do that. We’ve done the movies. We’ve got video games we’re going for. Next is going to be Jay and Silent Bob’s Groovy Cartoon Movie, which we’re almost finished. It’s going to be a Jay and Silent Bob cartoon feature film. Hopefully, we’ll be done in time for April, so we’ll see what happens. We’re hoping to get the video game going. We’ve got the cartoon, comics, action figures, and the movie. I don’t know; I feel like we’re trying to get it all there.
Why do you think video game films like Super Mario Bros. and Doom haven’t done well?
I don’t know. Super Mario Bros. is a tough one, right? They’ve got to try to make it to where it’s like the game…the two guys, the sewers, the turtles, and all that business. I don’t know, how can you make that cool, really? I think the game was definitely fun. The movie Mario Bros. was a fun movie to watch; it was entertaining, but how can you make it awesome? I just don’t know.
They have that Mortal Kombat web series, and I heard that they’re going to be making a movie. They did a great job on that, I just think you have to find the right game and have the right elements to make it.
What’s your favorite piece of technology?
I love technology, and I have a lot of awesome things. I love the Go Pro. But right this second I would say my newest thing that I just got that I really love is my iPad Mini. There are a bunch of great games for it. When I’m sitting and waiting in the line at Starbucks, I’ll sit and play. There’s a Justice League game they have that’s an app game. Just my e-mails, and I’ve been hosting the show on AXS TV called AXS Live. I have questions where there’s a panel, and I’ve been doing that every Monday and Tuesday. Anyway, I use my iPad to have my questions ready. I use it to watch Netflix when I’m online somewhere. It’s very handy right now.