The game developer behind classic LucasArts gams like Maniac Mansion is exploring a new adventure with The Cave.
How have you built replay value into this experience?
By having seven very different characters, each with their own story and areas of The Cave to explore. When you choose a new character, you will be able to get into places you have never seen before.
What do you hope gamers take away after playing this game?
Hopefully they will have had a good time. But beyond that, to look at each of the seven characters and their desires and maybe wonder about their own desires and what path those have sent them on. After all, we all go into The Cave at some point in our lives. You might not like what you find.
What are the challenges of packing all of your ideas into a DLC game?
I don’t see it as a challenge as much as I see it as a relief. It’s nice to be able to design something that can be compact and intense without having a bunch of filler content or puzzles just to draw the length out.
Do you think about sequels or progressing the story as you're coming up with ideas that don't fit?
I try not to think of sequels when I’m building something. If it’s a good idea, then I try and figure out a way to make it work with the original game.
How have you seen the advent of digital distribution open things up for smaller game development teams and more original ideas?
It’s been great. There are so many people out there with great ideas and digital distribution has given them a way to get their art in the hands of a lot of people. We haven’t seen that on this scale before and it’s wonderful.