Problematic AI gets in the way of an otherwise likable heist.
When you're done with each mission, you can level up your select soldier however you please with new skills, or doll up your safehouse so that you're better prepared for later missions. It's rather deep, and if you and your squad feel like going at it some more, it definitely rewards over time. However, good luck trying to do it alone.
The graphics are okay, but you can tell that there were some aspects that were rushed. The character models are cool, in their masks and suave business suits, but character behavior otherwise is a bit weird, whether it's cops running around just itching to get shot (while missing you completely at short range). The environments aren't bad, but they tend to repeat later on in the game. You'll swear you robbed this certain shop before. The audio is good too, with plenty of chatter between your thugs and some exciting, if not altogether memorable, heist music. Ocean's Eleven this isn't, but at least it's not 70's cop drama.
How much you like Payday 2 depends on how good a party you can form. If you're just trying to freewheel it yourself through a life of crime, you won't get very far, due to the almost broken AI. However, if you have a good team and think you can get the job done, the game lives up to its potential. This is one of those games where multiplayer is incredibly crucial. Keep that in mind before making a purchase.
(Review code provided by 505 Games for PSN).
Score: 7 / 10