Early Wii U eshop game is lacking something.

One of the first Wii U eshop games I got to test run is Nano Assault Neo. Long story short, think Fantastic Voyage for the story. For those that don’t know that movie, you’re fighting infected cell clusters and have to destroy a certain amount in a certain time limit. The game reminds me a lot of the old school space shooter games, like Galaga. It reminds me of Galaga because you have the ability to upgrade your ship with special power ups and have multiple ships to use as weapons. That’s about the only way it reminds me of Galaga.
The game looks great and the HD system with the Wii U has a lot to do with that. Graphically, the game is pretty good and that isn’t where I have problems with the game. I have problems with the game in how it plays. In my opinion, there is just too much going on the screen at one time and it’s very difficult to tell where the action is coming from at one time. If there wasn’t that much activity going on on the screen at one time, that wouldn’t be a problem. However, there is plenty of action going on and you can’t tell who is shooting at you at one time.
The game plays like an old school shooter where you control the ships with one control stick and the bullets/firing direction with the other control stick. It takes a little to get used to but once you do, you will be destroying infected cell structures like the best of them. You can upgrade your weaponry mid level. You can have multiple lasers to shoot and multiple types of weapons to use. Those are just some of the examples of what you will have at your disposal to fight the infected clusters.