The year of Luigi finally gets the retail version of Super Luigi U.

It feels like the retail version of Super Luigi U was taking forever to come out. It feels like years ago it was announced as a downloadable upgrade to New Super Mario Brothers U. However the physical version will finally release this week. Luigi has been going strong in the year dedicated to him and built up steam recently with Mario and Luigi: Dream Team hitting store shelves and now the physical version of Super Luigi U doing the same.
One of the better features of Super Luigi U, the physical version, is that you don’t need an actual copy of NSMBU to play SLU. At this point, I don’t why you don’t have NSMBU, as it is one of the better games for the Wii U, but it at least gives you the option to actually play SLU without NSMBU. Nintendo is really hammering home that this is a game made FOR Luigi. The game comes in a green package and doesn’t have Mario in sight at all. Fans of Luigi will not want to miss this.
For those who don’t know, Super Luigi U was and is a downloadable addition to NSMBU. SLU gives the game new levels to master and new challenges to success in. Luigi jumps are tougher to judge and you have less time to speed through the different, modified levels. The game also needed a place-holder character for Mario, so Nabbit was brought in as a playable character. Nabbit, in my opinion takes away from the game because he can’t be hurt and can’t power up. The physical/retail version of the game will be 30 dollars and the downloadable version will still be available for 20 dollars. The game also claims to be the “first platforming adventure starring Luigi as the main playable character.” I guess they don’t count Mario is Missing as a platforming game.