New study finds that 45 percent of American women play games and are frequent purchasers.
"Our industry takes seriously our partnership with parents and our responsibility to provide families with tools to help them make educated entertainment choices. We are encouraged to see parents use these resources and take an active interest in their children's game play," Gallagher said.
The 2013 Essential Facts provides statistics on industry demographics; the types of games played and game platforms used; how parents monitor and engage with their children around game play; the top-selling computer and video games; and overall sales information for the industry. Notable findings include:
58 percent of Americans play video games;
51 percent of U.S. households own a dedicated game console, and those that do own an average of two;
The average game player is 30 years old, and 36 percent of game players – the largest age segment – are 36 or older;
43 percent of game players believe that computer and video games give them the most value for their money, compared to DVDs, music or going out to the movies;
62 percent of gamers play games with others, either in-person or online; and,
Consumers spent nearly $21 billion on game content, hardware, and accessories in 2012.
Ipsos MediaCT conducted the research for Essential Facts, which is the most in-depth and targeted survey of its kind, gathering data from more than 2,000 nationally representative households.