Sony's handheld could succeed yet, with the help of these five releases.
Ever since its release last year, the PlayStation Vita has had an up-and-down flow of titles. Sometimes it got some really great gems, like Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time and Guacamelee; others, it strained to get any sort of good software, thus resulting in somewhat lacking sales compared to the PlayStation Portable.
But it can thrive yet, and these five games, which are either out or coming soon, will certainly help its chances of turning around…
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate (October 25th)
There will be plenty of Bat-action to go around later this year with the release of Origins for consoles, but we're equally curious about Blackgate, the handheld spin-off that's being worked on over at Armature Studios (featuring team members who were at Retro Studios when the Metroid Prime games were being made). Blackgate is looking fantastic in its own right, a side-scrolling action game with plenty of stealth elements, cool Bat tools (the exploding gel!) and plenty of challenges. Here's to hoping we see some old foes show up over the course of the game, like Two-Face and Killer Croc…