After arming gamers with Mission: Gunship in Texas, the energy drink maker is bringing the undead to life with Mission: Zombie Apocalypse.
For those who didn't get a chance to experience The Walking Dead Experience at Comic-Con last year, there's a new video game take on the undead. Just months before the release of the Brad Pitt thriller World War Z, a movie about a United Nations employee who travels the world trying to stop the outbreak of a zombie infestation, comes the newest blockbuster sweepstakes from G Fuel, the energy drink for gamers: Mission: Zombie Apocalypse.
The Brad Pitt thriller is about a worldwide zombie pandemic. Launching today with a forty five second contest trailer on YouTube, Mission: Zombie Apocalypse, will provide five gamers with the ultimate zombie encounter experience as winners of the contest will get to Live the Game one more time.
“We want to provide gamers a truly awesome experience, and it doesn’t get much better than trying to fight off zombies,” said Clifford Morgan, Chief Executive Officer of Gamma Labs, the makers of G Fuel. “The winners will get to fire sniper rifles, grenade launchers and a few more surprises that we haven’t announced yet.”
After receiving extensive weapons training from U.S. Special Forces, Mission: Zombie Apocalypse will team contest winners with top Call of Duty clans and YouTube gaming personalities in an epic paintball battle royale. The popular video game produced by Activision will come to life in a battle to kill Zombies and escape alive.