Rock the dragon!

Dragonball Xenoverse 2 was shown at this year’s Electronics and Entertainment Expo by Namco Bandai. Fast-forward from the summer to now and the game is out for everyone to enjoy. Become a member of the Time Patrol to fix history and relive some of the more memorable battles in Dragon Ball Z history.
At the start of your journey, you need to create your character. There are quite a few races of people that you can choose from. You could be an Earthling, Saiyan, or Namekian just to name a few. You can upload your fighter from the first Xenoverse game if you like but you can choose to start from scratch.
One of the additions to Xenoverse 2 is that the hub city of Conton is much bigger than Toki Toki City was in the first game. This allows for much more city interaction and events to occur. It also allows for more characters to be in the city at the same time. Getting around the city is easy with the use of vehicles.
You’ll be able to fly in the city but you need to get your license first. You might think Conton City would be tough to get around in for the size but using the map is pretty easy. You can keep the map onscreen as long as you like. Since there are a lot of icons and things going on in the city, it’s beneficial to keep the map onscreen so you know what you can do and where the next part of the story will take place.
Become a member of the Time Patrol and fix the time anomalies throughout history. That’s your mission in Xenoverse 2 but how you achieve it is up to you. There are familiar characters from the Dragonball Z universe that can teach you their special attacks. When they teach you their moves, you’ll be able to use them in battle. It addition, you can ask one of them to be your teacher for special training. You can also have conversations with your teacher and they will provide you information as well as items, if they find anything.
There are online modes as well as parallel quests. You’ll need to have PlayStation Plus to gain access to online modes like the Time space Delivery and Auto-patrols mode. The modes are available to play but they won’t have online interaction but the game gives you the option to purchase PS+ if you don’t have it already as well as a short trial mode.( 2 days)
Items found, won in battle, or bought will be able to help toughen up your character for battle. The game has an RPG element to it in terms of leveling up through battles and what items/tools you equip to your fighter. Different clothing and tools do different things to your stats so try different combos to find the perfect set-up.
For any fighting game you get to a point where you have your favorite attacks and those are the only ones you use. Xenoverse 2 is no different as I found myself using the same attacks over and over again because those worked best. Also during fights I found the camera angles to not be great.
Trying to lock on an enemy was tough at times and getting to see where I needed to attack was a pain too. The camera would become an enemy when fighting larger enemies because you would get stuck underneath them and not able to get away when an attack was coming because of the camera. Attack controls are easy to pick up but it felt like I was spamming attacks most of the time in battle.
Parallel Quests allow you to jump into Dragonball Z history and relive historic battles. The twist is that you can bring different fighters into these quests and complete different tasks for rewards. You might be able to get that item you need by completing that tough Parallel Quest.
Dragonball Xenoverse 2 brings even more to the fan base than the first game did. Relive some of the most iconic battles by joining the Time Patrol! Fix the past to restore time. I’m giving Dragonball Xenoverse 2 for the PlayStation 4 an 8.5/10.
I would like to thank Bandai Namco for the review code!
Score: 8.5 / 10