Does the game make the jump to Wii U properly?

Terraria, the survival crafting adventure from 505 games, finally released in physical form for the Wii U. The game puts the Wii U Game Pad to use but does it use the controls available the right way? Lets get right into it!
The main idea of Terraria is to work and survive, sounds simple right? You will have to use all the skills available to stay alive! You will have to craft tools for survival. You will have to build a dwelling for survival. You will have to collect supplies in the area for you guessed it, survival. You will need to use everything around you to create tools and survival techniques. Survival will be a challenge considering what’s available in your surroundings!
Gathering is the name of the game. You can cut down trees for wood, you can dig up rocks and dirt for building materials, and you can pick things up that you find as well. You also have the option to fight! There will be wildlife around you that will attack you and you can use anything at your disposal to destroy them. You can use your sword to kill or you can use your axe to kill, survival is up to you!
Nighttime is where things get dangerous where you have zombies and monsters coming for you. You’re advised to stay in your house, that you have to build, because its very dangerous to be out at night. You can fight your way through zombie hordes but it takes some time and it might be easier to build a better weapon for survival.
Starting off your adventure, you get to create your own adventurer as well as name your world. You also have the option to play online and join other players in online adventures. You never know what you’ll find during gameplay and you never know what you’ll need.
There will be help out there for you in terms of interactive people who are in your world. You want them to move into the home you’ve constructed and they will be able to help you during your adventure. You can also use your home to create new items at your workbench. The workbench allows you to build different items that aren’t normally able to be built/constructed. How you create your home, tools, person is up to you and just shows how much customization is in Terraria!
The Game Pad plays just like a mouse would for the game on PC. In principal the Game Pad should be a good way to use items and construction equipment, like building your house. However, the Game Pad doesn’t do the greatest job in controlling the items and movements. What I mean by that is since there are plenty of tools/inventory to use, you find yourself switching items too often and using the wrong tool.
There was a grid that would show up on the game pad to make building easier getting in my way. It would block things and make it difficult to see at times. Also, the controls for attacking wildlife and tool work weren’t as tight as they should have been. You would hold the control stick in the direction you wanted to use your axe, for example, and then you would find it going in a different direction.
Another thing that bothered me was when you respawnwed you would be put in your house without a door. Monsters can get in your house right away and you have to do everything not to die. It’s these reasons why I’m giving Terraria for the Wii U a 7/10, things are done well in the Wii U version but there are some things not done well too!
Score: 7 / 10