The next installment arrives early 2015
Today, Ubisoft and Signal Studios announced Toy Soldiers: War Chest, the next iteration in the Toy Soldiers series. Leaving the battlefields of past eras behind, players face off against rival toy armies to determine who rules the battlefield. Toy Soldiers: War Chest will be available for download on Xbox One, video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation4 computer entertainment system and Windows PC in early 2015.
Four diverse armies will be available at launch. The proud and disciplined Kaiser returns to lead his German Empire forces and defend their reign with new troops, weapons and turrets. New to the franchise is the Star Power army led by the whimsical but dangerous heroine, Starbright – her army of unicorn steeds, ferocious pixies, flying Pegasus and laser-shooting teddy bears have come to rain hearts and rainbows of destruction onto the battlefield. Each army defends with its own unique base turrets, combat and aerial attack vehicles and army units, making each gameplay experience distinct. Two additional armies in Toy Soldiers: War Chestwill be revealed closer to launch.
With more heroes, missions and playable armies than any previous Toy Soldiers, Toy Soldiers: War Chest is the most expansive title to date. Additional features in the game include more turrets and turret upgrades, more barrages, new game modes and expanded multiplayer and cooperative play.