Mark your calander, bust out your wallet, call-in-sick and play these games on this date.
I'm still waiting for money to grow on the Money Tree on my home garden, until then, it looks like YET another day that I have to throw some worthless fiat currency on some time consuming games again. In his blog post over at EA, Peter Moore discussed the release dates for Madden NFL 25 (which if you are a loyal reader, you would have learned this already), FIFA 14 and Battlefield. Here is what he said...
"But, in the case of Madden NFL 25, FIFA 14 and Battlefield 4, they launch well before the next-generation versions hitting a month or two later. I’m happy to confirm today the street dates for these three titles on next-generation consoles: Nov. 19 (North America)/Nov. 21 (Europe) for Xbox One and Nov. 12 (North America)/Nov. 29 (Europe) for PlayStation 4."
We will keep you posted on any further updates with these titles.
Source: EA