A new trailer for the Xbox One-exclusive Ryse: Son of Rome takes fans behind the scenes.

Microsoft’s and Crytek’s Xbox One-exclusive Ryse: Son of Rome is aiming to redefine the capabilities of modern games while also telling a gritty and action-packed tale of vengeance and honor. Now Crytek has unveiled a new trailer which takes fans behind the scenes and shows them just how much effort is being put in to bring Ryse to life.
The technical detail involved in the motion capture process, which includes asynchronous capture of audio, facial recognition, and body movement, helps lend emotional weight to the game’s dialogue as well as a visceral punch to the combat sequences. The efforts of both the motion capture actors and the game’s creative team combined with the new graphical capabilities of the Xbox One will ensure that Marius Titus’s bloody road to vengeance will be as beautiful as it is bloody.
Ryse: Son of Rome will be available exclusively on the Xbox One when the console launches later this year.