Fans who were pumped for last month's E3 reveal of Star Wars: Battlefront will be delighted to hear that development on the game is already well underway.

Developer DICE and publisher EA have both confirmed that the next-gen entry in the popular multiplayer Star Wars: Battlefront series is “well into development” following its reveal at last month’s E3 conference.
EA’s president Frank Gibeau recently sounded off on the game during EA’s Q1 earnings call yesterday, saying that: "We showed 22 seconds of where we're going with it and the fan response was very positive. The DICE team is well into development on that product already, so we feel very bullish about our shooter rotation over the next several years."
Gibeau also confirmed during the meeting that the game will also have some form of third-person component, which is good news for fans of the previous entries’ ability to switch between first and third-person. Star Wars: Battlefront is also rumored to be utilizing the Frostbite 3 engine, which would make sense considering DICE’s previous work on the Battlefield series, but Gibeau neither confirmed nor denied such rumors during the earnings call.
No release date has been currently set, but considering the game’s “well into development” status, hopefully fans won’t have to wait too much longer.