Some form of new multiplayer DLC for God of War: Ascension is on the way according to Sony Santa Monica.

Sony Santa Monica has taken to Twitter and Instagram to tease an upcoming multiplayer DLC announcement for God of War: Ascension.
It all began yesterday with a short yet promising tweet that was sent out by Sony Santa Monica yesterday:
Incoming soon #GodofWar
— Sony Santa Monica (@SonySantaMonica) July 22, 2013
The Instagram link in the tweet takes fans to a brief teaser video that shows what appears to be a 1v1 multiplayer match on the game’s Forum of Hercules map (a 1v1 mode called “Bout of Honor” was recently released in a free update to the game). After one player stuns the other, he triggers an off-screen ability which causes another player to suddenly appear and the two proceed to defeat their stunned adversary with a spectacular tag-team attack which ends with a rain of spears.
Many are speculating that Sony Santa Monica plans to expand the Bout of Honor mode to allow for 2v2 matches but since other currently available weapons are capable of similar tag-team attacks, it could simply mean the addition of more weapon DLC.
The trailer that Sony Santa Monica released back when they debuted the Bout of Honor ended with a brief tease of the upcoming fourth weapon class which SSM plans to add soon; powerful gauntlets similar to those wielded by Hercules in God of War 3 (and in the multiplayer of God of War: Ascension) but whether the gauntlets will be part of this upcoming announcement remains to be seen.
You can see the tag-team teaser clip at the link below.