Wii Mini Going to Canada First. You Didn't See That Coming, Did You?
Nintendo has decided to continue their recent history in trying to get the most out of a console, monetarily in releasing the Wii Mini. The Wii Mini is basically a dumbed down, cheaper version of the Wii. Only the Canucks will be getting this system at a retail price of one hundred dollars. The Wii Mini coming out might be just what Nintendo needs if claims of selling the Wii U at a loss are true. If anything, the Mini looks pretty cool. It reminds me of an eight track tape painted New Jersey Devils Red and Black.
However, that might be all the pro aspects of the Wii Mini. To make a system inexpensive, cuts have to made. The Wii Mini is no excetpion. You can forget about being able to support Wi-Fi or playing Gamecube games. It comes with a Wii-remote and nunchuk controller and is a top-loading system, something Nintendo hasn't done since the Gamecube days. There hasn't been an announcement in regarding the Wii Mini going to other nations and it releases in Canada December 7th.